Thursday, January 21, 2010

News from Holistic Moms Chicago Western Suburbs

Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter

January 2010 Newsletter 

For the human mind is seldom at stay: 
If you do not grow better, you will most undoubtedly grow worse. 
~Samuel Richardson
In This Issue
Notes from the January Meeting
Another Great Moms Night Out
Next Month's Meeting
Member Highlight
Notes from the January Meeting
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?  Perhaps you, like a lot of people, suffer from low nutritional integrity.  At this month's two part meeting, nutritionist Jim Marlow presented the seven fundamental principles of the art of nutrition, a comprehensive approach to nutrition designed to improve our health through nutritional integrity. 
During the first meeting, Jim explained that nutrition may not be the only influence on our health, but it is the biggest.  In discovering which foods are most nutritionally valuable for each of us, Jim encouraged us to consider our individual metabolic type.  Since food is energy and our metabolism is all about how our bodies make and use energy, the types and quality of food we eat affects how energized we feel.  Jim went on to identify and explain the three metabolic types and helped attendees decide which metabolic type describes them. 
At the second meeting, Jim further defined the three metabolic types and explained the food groups each metabolic type benefits from most.  Jim explained that when we follow the seven fundamental principals of the art of nutrition and begin eating the foods that are most nutritionally valuable for our individual metabolic type, we will begin to experience a noticeable increase in energy, better moods, greater mental clarity and a decrease in cravings that often lead us to eating foods that have no nutritional value. 
Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?  Well, if you talk to anyone who attended the meetings, the response will probably be, "Not any more!" 
 Another Great Moms Night Out!
On Friday, January 15th, members gathered to learn more about cooking with spices and foods which help decrease inflammation in the body.  Deepa Deshmukh shared with us her expansive knowledge of Indian cuisine, how to incorporate spices into meals, educating on various lentils, beans, grains, etc.  Deepa cooked a lentil based soft wrap stuffed with sautéed veggies, Mumbai stew (blend of lentils and seasonal vegetable simmered slowly with mild Indian spices) and Chai porridge (4 grain porridge cooked with Chai seasoning and served with coconut milk).  The evening was a wonderful event filled with learning, laughter and yummy food.
Deepa has gluten, dairy, corn and soy free products available.  Please contact her at: 
Hope to see you next month at the Timeless Spa and Salt Cave in Naperville! Stay tuned to your email for the Evite.
Next Month's Meeting
Chapter Visioning Meeting
Tuesday, February 2nd, 7 pm
Want to know what Holistic Moms is planning in the upcoming year? This meeting will be designed to discuss and develop a vision for our community. We will determine meeting topics and learning opportunities for the remainder of the year as well as discuss what things are working and what things we can improve upon. We will talk about what each member is getting from Holistic Moms and what they'd like to see more of.  This meeting will be more than simply setting an agenda for the year.  It will give each of us the opportunity to take a look inside ourselves to see what we really need from our communities, families and friends. And as we set the vision for our chapter, each of us will have the foundation to develop your own personal vision for the upcoming year as well.  Members are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting.  Non-members are always welcome!  We will meet at The Health Doctors, Inc, 28379 Davis Parkway, Suite 803 in Warrenville, 630-393-2225
Welcome New Members! 
Holistic Moms CWS is excited to welcome:
Pricilla G
Lisa A
Diane P
Member Highlight
Member Profile 
Alejandra G.
I've been a member of Holistic Moms since teh chapter got started in April of 2008.
My holistic passions are
homebirth, attachment parenting, health freedom, homeopathy, homeschooling, as well as organic and traditional foods.
Holistic Moms are the most open-hearted, intelligent, generous, and wise group of women I've ever met.  I am deeply honored to be part of this group!  Secondly, this group is such a resource.  Anytime I have a question about anything, I feel I can turn to this group for some good info!
My family strives to live the most authentic lifestyle in every way possible.  For us this mean's constantly looking "within" to determine what our priorities are and striving to live our best life everyday.  My three children (ages 7.5 yrs, 5 yrs and 16 mo's) were born at home.  I quit work to stay at home with my oldest, Alegria, and never thought I'd end up deciding to homeschool.  Homeschooling has been the most challenging yet rewarding experience of my life!  I only truly started considering homeschooling when I realized Marco and I were in total disagreement about public school vs. private school.  Today I think I homeschool because I seek much freedom and the opportunity to contribute and be more active members of our community.    

My second-born, Mateo, inspired me to start a layperson's homeopathic study group after developing and then fully recovering from a severe case of eczema.  The Naperville Area Homeopathic Study Group was started almost four years ago.  I am passionate about homeopathy and look forward to studying it for the rest of my life.
Holistic Moms serves as a support community for those interested in holistic living and natural parenting. We appreciate all those who have joined our community and spread the word to help make the Western Suburbs chapter possible. 
Love and Friendship,

Lisa Rooney and Kate Boyle
Chapter Leaders
Chicago Western Suburbs
Meetings and Gatherings
Open to the Public
Chapter Meetings: Held the first Tuesday of every month at The Health Doctors, 28379 Davis Parkway, Warrenville,
Coffee Talks:  Join Holistic Moms as we gather at Whole Foods in Naperville on the 2nd Thursday of each month. This is an informal gathering for members and non-members to get to know each other, discuss our holistic passions, and build supportive friendships. We will meet in the cafe' area from 9:30 - 11 am. Kids are welcome! Contact Kate Boyle, 630-946-6819. 

Upcoming Meetings:*
Feb: Chapter Visioning Meeting
Additional Meeting Topics:*
Attachment Parenting
Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Breast Thermography

*schedule subject to change

Visit our local website for
descriptions and updated information.
Members Events
Membership in Holistic Moms is necessary to attend member events. Please go to to join! 

0-3 years playgroup: meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. This is another wonderful opportunity to get to know other members of our group in a relaxed setting. The schedule and location will vary. If you would like to participate, please contact Kate Boyle at
All ages playgroup: (infants and up)  The schedule and location will vary. If you would like to participate, please contact Kate Boyle at

Moms Night Out: takes place the third Friday of each month.  Actvities will vary.  Members will receive an Evite invitation to the event. 
Mom & Tot Outings, Family Dinner Gatherings, Movie Nights and additional members events will continue
to be scheduled.  Check our local website for details. 
Mark Your Calendar
February 24, 2010
 Shop at Whole Foods and support Holistic Moms.
 Whole Foods in Naperville will donate 5% of the days sales to a local chapter.  Watch for in store events on that day at
Our Sponsors
We are honored to welcome the following sponsors into our Holistic Moms Network community. We encourage you to learn more about these businesses who share our commitment to holistic health and green living.  Tell them HMN sent you!

Riverview Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Dr. Fred Ratio, D.C. Plainfield, IL 815-254-9141
Millennium Pediatrics, Dr. Chad Olsen, M.D. 1012 W 95th St, Naperville IL 630-548-1100
*Sponsors of the Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter have been carefully interviewed to ensure they uphold the integrity and mission of our local chapter.
How to Contact Us
For more information or to join our community contact:
Lisa Rooney,
Kate Boyle,
local website:
membership link: 
Click here to find us on Facebook!
Join Our Mailing List
Events Around Town
January 23, 10 am, Cloth Diapering Class:  Held monthly at Comfy Bummy, Naperville.  This is a great way to join other parents who have an interest in cloth diapering, but don't know  quite where to start.  We'll cover the basics of cloth diapering, from what types are available to washing instructions to how many you need.  It's an interactive session, so bring your questions!  Call us at 630-428-7900 to let us know you are coming.
January 26:  Generation Rx - Screening and discussion held at Four Winds Waldorf School, Warrenville, contact Sheryl Jones at or 630-836-9400 for more information.
January 22-24, 7:30 PM, Final performance of Willy Wonka - with one of our sponsors in the production - Dr. Chad Olsen, Millenium Pediatrics.  Purchase tickets through Naperville Park District 630-848-5000 or


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Bring this coupon for in store savings or use this code for online purchases:  HMN
Offer ends February 28, 2010
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Monday, January 04, 2010

HMN January 2010 Meeting Reminder

Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter

January 2010 Meeting Reminder

January 2010 Meeting
The Art of Nutrition
Two Part Series
Tuesday, January 5 & 19, 7 pm
When did food get so complicated? Why have we lost the instinct to choose and eat foods that truly nourish us? One of the biggest challenges we have with food and dietary choices today is that not one plan works best for everyone. However, finding the correct style of nourishment for you is a difficult task, even more challenging when it differs from others in your family. In a two part series, nutritionist Jim Marlowe will present a comprehensive approach to nutrition.

In part one we will discuss:
*An overview of the seven fundamental principles of the art of nutrition.
*Learn about the differences between nutrition based on symptoms or conditions vs nutrition based on the whole person.
*Learn how to determine the foods that are most nutritionally valuable for you as well as your biggest trouble makers.

In part two we will:
* Discuss the three basic types of human metabolism.
* Identify indicators that help us determine if we are truly nourishing ourselves and our family.
* Create the ability to use food as your medicine to strengthen, balance, and maintain good health, energy, mental clarity and vitality.

Join us and start the new year off right with a valuable and sound approach to nourishing yourself and your family.

Participation in part one is required to attend part two in the series.

We will meet at The Health Doctors, Inc, 28379 Davis Parkway, Suite 803 in Warrenville, 630-393-2225
Holistic Moms serves as a support community for those interested in holistic living and natural parenting. We appreciate all those who have joined our community and spread the word to help make the Western Suburbs chapter possible. 
Love and Friendship,

Lisa Rooney and Kate Boyle
Chapter Leaders
Chicago Western Suburbs
Meetings and Gatherings
Open to the Public
Chapter Meetings: Held the first Tuesday of every month at The Health Doctors, 28379 Davis Parkway, Warrenville,
Coffee Talks:  Join Holistic Moms as we gather at Whole Foods in Naperville on the 2nd Thursday of each month. This is an informal gathering for members and non-members to get to know each other, discuss our holistic passions, and build supportive friendships. We will meet in the cafe' area from 9:30 - 11 am. Kids are welcome! Contact Kate Boyle, 630-946-6819. 

Upcoming Meetings:*
Jan: The Art of Nutrition
Feb: Chapter Visioning Session

Additional Meeting Topics:*
Attachment Parenting
Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Breast Thermography

*schedule subject to change

Visit our local website for
descriptions and updated information.
How to Contact Us
For more information or to join our community contact:
Lisa Rooney,
Kate Boyle,
local website:
membership link: 
Click here to find us on Facebook!
Join Our Mailing List
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Holistic Moms Network Corporate Office | P.O. Box 408 | Caldwell | NJ | 07006