Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Financially based decision could cost taxpayers more than just increased taxes

Hi Friends,

Smart Meters are coming to all our communities.  We want them to be safe before they are installed.

Would you install a technology in your home that left you open to data security attacks?
What about one that changed the electrical integrity of your home and put you at risk for electrical shock or fire safety?
What about one that almost guaranteed increase rates?

Smart meters can be installed without these issues.  We want to urge our city council to do just that....

It is an awful position for our council to be in and our goal is to help them postpone the technology until the bugs have been worked out. There are law suits, protests, and lots of negative media attention that is taking place around the country and we don't want to see Naperville become part of all that.

Please forward to as many as you can, post on facebook, twitter, etc.

The next council meeting is scheduled for 7 pm, March 1 at the Municipal building.  We'd like to gather as many as we can who are concerned about this issue to support those who are going to be speaking to city council.  Please respond to me if you will be able to attend (

Non-naperville residents are welcomed as the decision in our community will set precedence in yours.

Here are some details if you are just becoming familiar with this issue:

Naperville CIty Council accepted an $11.5 million grant towards the purchase of Smart Meters to be installed at residents homes and business, school and churches in the upcoming months.  The total project is $22 million, half of which is funded by the federal government, the other half to be funded by tax payers. Additionally, the city has hired a Chicago-based PR firm to handle the PR of the first phase of this project at a potential total price tag of $347,400.

The goal of the council is to help infrastructure improvements and savings that the city and rate-payers will eventually enjoy from the ability to understand their energy usage better. Although there is concern that rate-payers will be seeing significant increases in electric rates as soon as this summer. Rate increases are abundant across the country following Smart Meter installation.

Smart meters are part of the Smart Grid which is a bold step forward in improving energy management of our city.  We should applaud our council for having this foresight to set Naperville  up for the future use of electric power and intermittent energy sources like wind and solar power.

We should questions the implementation of this technology at this time as multiple flaws in the system have been identified.

They are as follows with more detailed information below:

1) Serious data security holes have been identified leaving the unit susceptible to hacking
2) Serious electrical safety concerns leading to potential for electric burns of residents, appliance burnout, and fire hazards to personal property
3) Inaccurate readings and overcharging the customers.
4) Health concerns regarding the effect of wireless radiation and the loss of freedom to control your exposure in your own home.

Detailed information:

1) serious data security holes have been identified.

AP report released on 3/26/2010 "Many researchers say wireless smart meter technology is being deployed without enough security probing."  Senior analyst for InGuardian, Joshua Wright states "all 5 meters studied displayed weakness….." 

This means that a hacker could potentially ride their electrical usage on your line and you'd pick up the bill.  They could also monitor your energy usage and determine when you are not home. And finally, there is personal data that could be attached to the transmission of the electrical usage data.

2) serious electrical safety concerns

This new technology puts a magnetic (digital) pulse on the AC current that is currently running through your home. There are NO safety studies that ensure the electrical integrity of your home or business stays intact. Magnetic pulse on AC current changes the electrical model and we have no idea what the impact of that will be.

Deregulation in the 70's does not require the appropriate filters to be placed on electrical appliances, thereby opening the door for transient electricity - which is dirty electricity.  With the addition of magnet (digital) pulse and no appropriate filters on the wireless smart meters we are leaving ourselves open to faster than usual appliance burnout and potential for electrical burns due to dirty electricity in your home.

An Oak Park resident opted out of the smart meter because of these concerns. She lived in her home for 27 years and it was properly grounded.  Because she was surrounded by neighbors who all had smart meters, the dirty electricity surfed on her lines and she experienced substantial electrical burns to her chest.  She spoke to city council about her experience.
You can view the meeting and her comments at 

Note: There are many historical buildings and homes in the Naperville area where the electrical integrity may not be able to handle this new technology yet.

3) Inaccurate readings and over charging of the customers.

An article dated 1/4/2011 reported that Centerpoint Energy is pulling 47,000 wireless smart meters b/c  5,200 wireless meters showed inaccurate readings and were over charging the customers.  

Lessons Learned: Canada -- make sure to see the CTV Part 3 report on smart meters for true costs that ratepayers will bear -- consumers there are seeing increases, not decreases in their bills:
Smart Meter Consumers Anger Grows Over Higher Bills (Texas and California) -- read about the grandma whose grandchildren are cold because she can't turn on the heater due to these outrageously high bills, and the senior whose cats are dying because of the wireless smart meter:
4) Heath concerns regarding the effect of wireless radiation and the loss of freedom to control exposure in your own home.

Heath concerns range from unexplained headaches, heart palpation, loss of mental function, excessive fatigue, asthma, depression to more serious concerns such a exasperation of diabetes symptoms, ADD/ADHD, infertility, autoimmune disorders and even cancer. A Swedish study states that 3% of the worlds population is highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies and 35% is moderately sensitive.  Applying those statics to Naperville means that approximately 4200 - 49,000 residents may experience health issues resulting in lowered quality of life. 

Children are especially susceptible and we should pause greatly before installing them on our schools.

Washington Post Article 12/2009 "Technologists already are worried about the security implications of linking nearly all elements of the U.S.    
        power grid to the public Internet. Studies show that the information that the power company may be able to glean include whether a house has
        an alarm system and how often it is activated..."

We believe that our city council has had the best of intentions in moving forward with the project. And it is not the intention to stop progress on this project, only to ensure that we proceed with a safe solution that addresses ALL of the concerns above. We feel this is a rushed decision, fueled by the opportunity for grant money and financially based rather than balanced between forward progress and public safety. Wireless smart meters have garnished massive controversy across the world and in our own nation.  This technology is unproven, insecure, and unsafe. 

We do not want to see Naperville added to the list of communities with public outcry and national media attention because it failed to head the concerns of its citizens.

We do not want to see our city open to potential law suit because these concerns were brought forward and ignored.

We are asking city council to:
1) stall the proposed installation (due to start in March with the 1st phase of the rollout)
2) to provide a hard wired smart meter solution with the appropriate filters to address electrical concerns 
3) ensure data security holes be proven and verified safe by a 3rd party consultant prior to installation (which is also accomplished through a hard-wired solution)

Fiber optics or coaxial cable are both reasonable alternatives to collect data from a wired meter vs a wireless meter. Both of which are currently in existence within Naperville. A hard wired smart meter eliminates virtually ALL of these concerns above.

This is an example of the foot steps we like our council to follow in:

Marin County Enacts Moratorium on Smart Meters; "Small Markets" Like Glendale Forging Ahead

The Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously enacted a one-year moratorium on smart meter installations, citing concerns about the meters' accuracy, the lack of up-to-date safety standards for radiation from a multitude of wireless devices, and the lack of proven savings or consumer benefits from the meters.

City council needs to know that you share these concerns and are not in favor of a full scale implementation until these issues have been addressed.  

Cut and paste the above concerns and requests and send to city council and council elects at the following addresses:

The next council meeting is scheduled for 7 pm, March 1 at the Municipal building.  We'd like to gather as many as we can who are concerned about this issue to support those who are going to be speaking to city council.  Please respond to me if you will be able to attend (

Non-naperville residents are welcomed as the decision in our community will set precedence in yours.

Cut and paste to the following as well:

Inform the local media of your concerns.
Inform your local homeowners association.
Inform your schools parent organization.
Lisa Rooney

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Smart Meter Invitation 3/1 7pm

Hello friends,

Join us for a wonderful opportunity to voice our concerns about Smart Meters.

March 1, 7pm
City Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St.

Thank you for the many emails sent to our city council last month.  There is awareness being raised in our city. If you are unsure if your efforts help, please remember this wonderful quote:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Last month a small group of us attended the city council meeting and made an impact with the many statements we prepared.  We are asking for another round of support.  You do not need to speak out if you are uncomfortable.  We need a minimum of 40-50 people to attend the meeting in support of those that will be speaking, and we would welcome an even greater number than that. 

You do not have to be a Naperville resident to attend.  The decision Naperville makes will set precedence for all surrounding communities.

If you feel moved to speak out, please let me know and we will help you prepare a statement. If not, please come anyway.  Please bring your spouse, your children, your friends and neighbors. 

Our message is clear: We are not about stopping technology and forward progress in our city.  

We have clearly stated that we are concerned about the myriad of issues that are garnishing media attention elsewhere in the country and worldwide and do not want to see Naperville become part of it.  We want our concil to follow in the footsteps of other responsible local governments that are taking the nationwide concerns to heart and learning from the lessons of other communities.

We are asking city council to:
1) stall the proposed installation (due to start in March with the 1st phase of the rollout)
2) to provide a hard wired smart meter solution with the appropriate filters to address electrical concerns 
3) ensure data security holes be proven and verified safe by a 3rd party consultant prior to installation (which is also accomplished through a hard-wired solution)

Fiber optics or coaxial cable are both reasonable solutions to collect data from a wired meter vs a wireless meter. Both of which are currently in existence within Naperville.

This is an example of the foot steps we like our council to follow in:

Marin County Enacts Moratorium on Smart Meters; "Small Markets" Like Glendale Forging Ahead

The Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously enacted a one-year moratorium on smart meter installations, citing concerns about the meters' accuracy, the lack of up-to-date safety standards for radiation from a multitude of wireless devices, and the lack of proven savings or consumer benefits from the meters.

Please respond to me if you think you will be able to attend the meeting.

Love & Friendship,


Friday, February 18, 2011

News from Holistic Moms Chicago Western Suburbs

Nurturing our Children
Empowering Ourselves

Chicago Western Suburbs
Chapter Newsletter
March 2011
Holistic Moms serves as a support community for those interested in holistic living and natural parenting. We appreciate all those who have joined our community and spread the word to help make the Western Suburbs Chapter possible.

With Love & Friendship,

Jen Stahl, Kate Boyle, Theresa Muth & Laura Schreiner
Chapter Leaders  
Chicago Western Suburbs

Next Month's Meeting
Choices in Education
March 1, 2011 7-9 PM

Holistic Moms Network's Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter has invited a group of educators from a wide spectrum of non-tradiional schooling venues to present their philosophies on education, allowing area families to consider all options in considering their standards for education with the values to match. From various methods of homeschooling to Montessori, Waldorf to Classical, these presentations will allow families to compare and contrast major differences and find the similarities of what is best for their childrens' minds, bodies, hearts and souls. Presentations will be approximately 10 minutes with an additional five minutes for questions. Additional time at the end of the meeting will be provided for personal inquiries.

The public is invited to attend.

Member Profile
Dorothy Coop

How long have you been a member of HMN?
I have been a member since October 2008.                                                                                    dorothy
I'm a Holistic Mom because: My husband,
a chiropractor, is very passionate about preventative health. He has been instrumental in teaching me all about natural: healing, childbirth, immunity and nutrition. Once I realized everything he said just made sense (with a lot of follow-up research on my own), and even though it was very opposite to how I was raised, I knew this was going to be the way we were going to raise our family. Joining HMN then introduced me to so many more holistic ideals that we have since incorporated into our family and continue to learn about daily.

My holistic passions are: Chiropractic, natural childbirth, real nutrition, natural immunity and healing, alternative schooling, a chemical/toxin-free environment.

What inspires me about Holistic Moms: It is amazing to be among moms/families that stand up for their children, against mainstream living, in order to stay true to themselves and make sure their children will be healthier and wiser then this generation and thus make the world a better place. This is done thru education, community and an open-mindedness that is quite refreshing and truly amazing to be a part of.

Chapter Events and Activities
Chapter Meetings: Held the 1st Tuesday of every month from 7-9 pm at The Health Doctors, 28379 Davis parkway, Warrenville, Open to the public.

Morning Meetup & Open Discussion: Join us at Whole Foods Naperville for a morning open discussion meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month from 9:30-11 am.  Open to the public.

Playgroups: We meet regularly for play dates at members homes. Locations will vary. Membership is required to attend playgroups.

Moms Night Out:We gather the 3rd Friday of each month for a moms only "playdate". Babies in arms are welcome. Activities and locations vary. Membership is required to attend mom's night out.

Book Club:We meet several times a year to discuss the chosen book. Location will vary. Membership is required to participate in book club.

Mom & Tot Outings: Special outings planned several times a year specifically with our young ones in mind. membership is required to participate.

Family Gatherings, Movie Nights, and additional members events will continue to be scheduled.

Check out or local website for details.
In This Issue
Next Month's Meeting
Member Profile
Chapter Events & Activities
Our Sponsor

Millennium Pediatrics,
Dr. Chad Olsen, M.D.
1012 W 95th St., Naperville IL

Meeting Topics

 2011 Meeting Schedule:*

Mar: Choices in Education: A Panel Discussion
Apr: Becoming a Holistic parent
May: Food Preservation
June: Yoga/Meditation for moms & kids
Jul: Embracing Motherhood: Finding Balance.
Aug: Clean out the closets
Sept: TBD
Oct: Creating a Family Mission statement
Nov: The Five Love Languages

Visit out local website for
descriptions and updated information.

*subject to change
Contact Us

Jen Stahl
Email Jen

Kate Boyle
Email Kate

Laura Schreiner
Email Laura

Theresa Muth
Email Theresa

Local Website

Membership Link

National Website
Join Our Mailing List

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