Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The great Baby Einstein scam - HMN November Meeting

A recent article on Yahoo regarding the baby Einstein videos couldn't have come at a more perfect time. 

Join us in November as we discuss Kids and the Media and walk away with an understanding of how marketers use such deceptive advertising to "hook" our kids and us. Learn ways to cut the technology cord and feel confident that your kids are not going to missing out on the latest technology trends. And above all, feel good about giving your kids the childhood they deserve - one full of wonder, play, imagination, creativity - and brian power!


November 3, 7pm:  Kids and the Media 

Companies are spending over $15 billion annually to market their products to our children. And the budget keeps going up. 

New American Dream (www.newdream.org) says, "It goes without saying that raising kids in today's noisy, fast-paced culture can be difficult. For good or ill, modern kids are exposed to a wider world. The voices of home and community have been joined by a chorus of voices from around the globe clamoring for their attention. Unfortunately, an increasing number of those voices view your child not as a young citizen to be nurtured and encouraged, but as a target — a unit in an underdeveloped market to be exploited for gain. Over the past two decades, the degree to which marketers have scaled up efforts to reach children is staggering. In 1983, they spent $100 million on television advertising to kids. Today, they pour roughly 150 times that amount into a variety of mediums that seek to infiltrate every corner of children's worlds. The results of this onslaught are striking. 

New research suggests that aggressive marketing to kids contributes not only to excessive materialism, but also to a host of psychological and behavioral problems, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, childhood obesity, eating disorders, increased violence, and family stress." Join us as Barabara DuRocher, Four Winds Waldorf Educator specializing in early childhood development, leads an informative discussion on kids and the media. 

We will meet at The Health Doctors, Inc, 28379 Davis Parkway, Suite 803 in Warrenville, 630-393-2225 www.thehealthdocs.com

I look forward to seeing you there!

Love & Friendship,


Lisa Rooney
Holistic Moms Network
Chapter Leader Chicago Western Suburbs 

membership link: http://membership.holisticmoms.org

Monthly Meetings: 1st Tuesday of each month, The Health Doctors, 7 pm
Coffee Talk: 2nd Thursday of each month, Whole Foods Naperville, 9:30 am
Playgroups, Moms Nights, Mom and Tots outings, Family Gatherings, Community and Friendship!
Holistic Moms No-Solicitation Policy:

We welcome all holistic parents who are also practitioners into our community and hope that they will share in the many benefits that HMN has to offer. 
We do not, however, allow for direct marketing to our members either through our email loop, website, or mailing list. We encourage all health care practitioners who join our organization to introduce themselves on their chapter email loop both as parents and providers. We will try to compile all practitioner information on a resource page for our members. However, we do not allow regular advertising on the members-only email loop and reserve the right to remove any member who violates this policy. Please understand that we are a community not just a commercial audience.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

News from Holistic Moms Chicago Western Suburbs

HMN Logo

Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter

October 2009 Newsletter 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

 - Margaret Mead

In This Issue
Notes from the October Meeting
Notes from Members Events
Next Month's Meeting
Member Highlight
Notes from the October Meeting
What an amazing turnout at the October meeting!   Holistic Moms and Dads filled the room to capacity to listen to Dr. Michael Maniacci speak about the importance of cooperative parenting and being united in decisions we make that affect our children.  Not only did he explain the theory behind why parents sometimes fight, Dr. Maniacci gave techniques to help avoid or resolve conflict when it arises and how to achieve a united front. Dr. Maniacci was engaging and humorous and it was evident that the topic of his presentation was of great interest to all who attended. Thanks to all of the Holistic Moms and Dads who were there!  Special thanks to Pizza Fusion for catering the meeting and providing a delicious selection of pizzas and salads for everyone to enjoy!
Notes from Members Events
Moms & Tots Visit the Apple Orchard
Apple Orchard KidsA few weeks ago Moms & Tots had the chance to spend a beautiful morning picking apples at Apples on Oak in Joliet.  The kids had a great time picking their own apples and running down the rows of apple trees.  The orchard is family owned with none of the comercialization that is popping up at so many orchards.   We picked apples, the kids played, we had a picinic lunch and the moms even got a chance to chat!   We will definitely be going back next year! 

Comfy Bummy In Store Event
In September, members gathered at the new Comfy Bummy store in downtown Naperville to learn all the exciting new options in cloth diapering.  It was a bit overwhelming at first but Laurie and Laura - co-owners of the store - helped us navigate through all the options in a way that made it seem simple and exciting!  The store is located at 231 S Washington St, in the alley next to Penzey Spices.  If you have given any thought to cloth diapering or are looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact - a visit to the Comfy Bummy store is well worth it.  Tell them HMN sent you! 
Next Month's Meeting
Kids and the Media
Tuesday, November 3, 7 pm

New research suggests that aggressive marketing to kids contributes not only to excessive materialism, but also to a host of psychological and behavioral problems, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, childhood obesity, eating disorders, increased violence, and family stress." Join us as Barabara DuRocher, Four Winds Waldorf Educator specializing in early childhood development, leads an informative discussion on kids and the media.  
We will meet at The Health Doctors, Inc, 28379 Davis Parkway, Suite 803 in Warrenville, 630-393-2225 www.thehealthdocs.com 
Welcome New Members! 
Holistic Moms CWS is excited to welcome:

Kelly C.
Jeanne B.
Jennifer T.
Raechel R. 
Beata K.
Theresa M.
Kirsta S.
Member Highlight
Julie York
I've been a member of Holistic Moms since Spring of 2009.
I joined Holistic Moms because I was new to the area and wanted to find other people interested in the same types of things I was.  I love learning new things and since I've become a mom, I'm most interested in learning how to make healthy choices for my family. 
My top holistic passion is raising my daughter with a strong outdoor ethic and a reverence for nature.
My favorite thing about being part of Holistic Moms Network is having such a large group of ladies from whom to draw inspiration and knowledge from.  I consider myself moderately holistic with high aspirations.  Seeing the commitment other moms and dads in our group have for holistic living helps me want to achieve more!
I have one 2 year old daughter and one thirteen year old step son.  Also part our family are two dogs and a horse.
Holistic Moms serves as a support community for those interested in holistic living and natural parenting. We appreciate all those who have joined our community and spread the word to help make the Western Suburbs chapter possible. 
Love and Friendship,

Lisa Rooney and Kate Boyle
Chapter Leaders
Chicago Western Suburbs
Meetings and Gatherings
Open to the Public
Chapter Meetings: Held the first Tuesday of every month at The Health Doctors, 28379 Davis Parkway, Warrenville, www.thehealthdocs.com.
Coffee Talks:  Join Holistic Moms as we gather at Whole Foods in Naperville on the 2nd Thursday of each month. This is an informal gathering for members and non-members to get to know each other, discuss our holistic passions, and build supportive friendships. We will meet in the cafe' area from 9:30 - 11 am. Kids are welcome! Contact Kate Boyle kmsboyle@gmail.com, 630-946-6819. 

Upcoming Meetings:*
November: Kids and the Media
December: Holiday Health Fair
2010 Meeting Topics:*
The Art of Nutrition
Attachment Parenting
Your Natural Medicine Cabinet

*schedule subject to change

Visit our local website for
descriptions and updated information. http://chicagowestsub.holisticmoms.org
Members Events
Membership in Holistic Moms is necessary to attend member events. Please go to www.holisticmoms.org to join! 

0-3 years playgroup: meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday morning from noon until 2 pm. This is another wonderful opportunity to get to know other members of our group in a relaxed setting. The schedule and location will vary. If you would like to participate, please contact Kate Boyle at ksmboyle@gmail.com.
All ages playgroup: (infants and up) meets every Friday morning from 10 am until noon. The schedule and location will vary. If you would like to participate, please contact Kate Boyle at ksmboyle@gmail.com.

Moms Night Out: takes place the third Friday of each month.  Actvities will vary.  Members will receive an Evite invitation to the event. 
HMN Holiday Party: December 12, 2009 - A holiday gathering for families of our community.  More details to come; please check back for more information. 
Mom & Tot Outings, Family Dinner Gatherings, Movie Nights and additional members events will continue
to be scheduled.  Check our local website for details.  http://chicagowestsub.holisticmoms.org
Our Sponsors
We are honored to welcome the following sponsors into our Holistic Moms Network community. We encourage you to learn more about these businesses who share our commitment to holistic health and green living.  Tell them HMN sent you!

Riverview Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Dr. Fred Ratio, D.C. Plainfield, IL 815-254-9141 www.riverviewchiropractic.com
Millennium Pediatrics, Dr. Chad Olsen, M.D. 1012 W 95th St, Naperville IL 630-548-1100
*Sponsors of the Chicago Western Suburbs Chapter have been carefully interviewed to ensure they uphold the integrity and mission of our local chapter.
How to Contact Us
For more information or to join our community contact:
Lisa Rooney,
Kate Boyle,
local website:
membership link: 
Join Our Mailing List
Events Around Town
Naperville Area Homeopathy Study Group, meets the 2nd Saturday, 9:00-11:30 am at Whole Foods Naperville to learn about this natural method of healing. Contact Alejandra Garcia, homeopathyinfo@yahoo.com or to join the online community go to homeopathyinfo.org

SCENTsational Wellness Sessions, the first Tuesday of each month, 1-2:30 pm. Hosted by Pam Hunter. Held at Universal Spirit Yoga, Naperville. These sessions will combine yoga, breathing, meditation, and essential oils sharing and education! We will choose an area of the body to work with, choose the oils that will benefit that area and combine it all with movement, sound, breathing, sitting, and education. Open to new and experienced oil users. Contact pam@funlovinyoga.com Session fee: $5

H1N1 Flu: Homepathic Prevention, Saturday, November 14, 2009, 10am-12pm. Presented by Dr Josephine Polich of DuPage Homeopathic Center. With the first death of a student at Naperville North High School related to H1N1, many people are worried. Fortunately, homeopathy's greatest hour of triumph was in the ages of Epidemics. Held at Knox Church, 1105 Catalpa Lane, Naperville, call 630-717-0500 to register.  www.dupagehomepathic.com

This month's newsletter is sponsored by:

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Naperville, IL  60540
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Holistic Moms Chicago Western Suburbs | P.O. Box 5407 | Naperville | IL | 60564